Hello! I just wanted to hop on this morning (it’s 6am here) while I am reflecting on my life purpose. Last night, I had a really interesting call with a coach who helps people gain clarity around their message. It was so cool to go back to how I started off doing what I do and why it is so important to me. She showed me that I am not sharing enough of my personal journey so expect to hear more about my life experience (my joys, my wounds, my struggles) on my Facebook page!

Life balance is very dear to me. As a woman, I need time for myself (this includes my social life, my love life), time to be a mother and time to work. All these areas are important for me to feel satisfied. I need time alone and I need time with people. I need time to do and time to just be.

It is perfectly possible to lead such a balanced life and be happy in all areas. It is perfectly possible to do what you love without being a selfish person. It is your duty to live a fulfilled life in order to show others the way and give them permission. Shine a light on what is wrong with our social conditioning, give people the idea to change their ways, their views.

I am seeing people unhappy in their jobs (nature of the work, relationships with boss, coworkers, being away from their family, lacking time for everything…).

I am seeing people unhappy in relationships (poor communication, lack of self love, boundary issues, people not knowing what they want, taking frustration out on significant other).

I am seeing people in victim mode, blaming everything in their life on exterior circumstances, illnesses springing from frustration, stress, poor diet, etc.

I am seeing people buying into the sad image of the world brought to us by mass media and feeding into it.

Here are some of my truths:

  • The world is a beautiful place and it’s our home. Look for the beauty around you every day.
  • The more you focus on something, the more it will appear in your life. So think about all the stuff you are grateful for rather than worry about what is going wrong.
  • You need to take responsibility for what’s going on in your life, for what you are allowing/have allowed to happen. Your boss is treating you like shit? You have not set clear boundaries. You have a difficult situation in the bank? Most likely you made a bad decision or two somewhere down the line. Now what are you going to do? Moan about it? Or put a plan together?
  • Some things are indeed out of your control but where you always have freedom is in the way you choose to react. Shall I be bitter and complain? Or shall I realise this is not actually very important in the grand scheme of things? I choose to be happy.

So what is your decision today? Is this going to be a good day?